Roll On 2020

Saturday 29th of August will be the (revised due to Covid19 restrictions) big day in 2020, when we look forward to welcoming you back to the Kintyre Way.

The 2019 route from Tayinloan to Tarbert proved very popular and we’re repeating it for 2020.

We’ll be Watching You…
We are very excited to be introducing GPS trackers in 2020. This is becoming very popular in the ultra and mountain running world, both as a safety feature and for its entertainment value. Communications in Kintyre are notoriously difficult and this will be a great help to everyone. The tracker is a wee device about the size of a small mobile phone and it means that volunteers at checkpoints and race HQ will know where you are 99% of the time. – very helpful should you fail to be recorded, for whatever reason, at a checkpoint. It also means that friends and supporters [family at home] will be able to follow you in real time on the map, encouraging you up the hills and cheering you along the final run-in. And should anyone require medical assistance, we will be able to pinpoint your position precisely.

As previously, a bus will run from Tarbert to the start at Tayinloan, picking up en route. Owing to Covid19 restrictions, we will now have to have more than one bus.

Start time: Start times will be at approximately 30 second intervals after 9 0'clock with the anticipated fastest runners starting first to minimise overtaking. Max. 10 hours 
Check-in at Tayinloan   15 minutes before your start time.
Once entries close, we will ask for your anticipated time and create a start list from that. You'll then be allocated to an appropriate bus.

It’s worth mentioning that this will be an English Bank Holiday weekend. You might like to think about your accommodation requirements sooner rather than later.

What’s Included?
Drop bags will be taken from Tayinloan to checkpoints at Clachan and Skipness and finish bags will be taken to the Finish. This year, we are unable to offer anything other than water at the checkpoints but soup, sandwiches, cake and tea or coffee will be waiting for you at the Finish. Please mention any dietary requirements.

Toilets and showers will be available at the Finish, courtesy of Tarbert Harbour Board.

Costs will be:
Ultra £45 up to 31 March, then £50 up to 21 April (closing date)
Relay £39 per person up to 31 March, then £44 up to 21 April
SAL reduction £2
Bus option £5

Here’s your entry link.

Further details will be announced as things fall into place so keep an eye out for the latest posts and chat on Facebook.